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... from an ECOWAS of States to an ECOWAS of the people

Comite Regional de Solidarite des Femmes pour la Paix en Casamance - CRSFPC /USOFORAL

CSO Name: Comite Regional de Solidarite des Femmes pour la Paix en Casamance - CRSFPC /USOFORAL Logo
Phone Number: Country of Registration: Senegal
Contact Address: Villa N� 347, Rue 22 Quartier Boucotte Sud Ziguinchor/SENEGAL BP: 483 Tel: +221 33�991 56 46 Area(s) of Intervention:
| Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Cross-border initiative, Women, peace and security, Youth empowerment, Peace education, Peace education
Organization Structure: NGO
Intervention Approach:
Email: Geographic Coverage: NATIONAL
Website: Mandate:
Year of Establishment: 1999