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... from an ECOWAS of States to an ECOWAS of the people

Reseau Paix et securite des femmes dans l'espace CEDEAO - Section Cote d'Ivoire (REPSFECO-CI)

CSO Name: Reseau Paix et securite des femmes dans l'espace CEDEAO - Section Cote d'Ivoire (REPSFECO-CI) Logo
Phone Number: Country of Registration: Cote d'Ivoire
Contact Address: Abidjan- Cocody Saint Jean Val Doyen, rez de chaussee Immeuble Charlemagne 06 bp 390 Abidjan 06 Contacts: (00225) 57 99 14 90 / 21 35 09 03 /22 44 67 08 Email: repsfecoci@yahoo.fr Area(s) of Intervention: Democracy and political governance
Human rights and the rule of law | Preventive diplomacy, Natural resources governance, Women, Peace and Security, Peace education
Organization Structure: NETWORK
Intervention Approach:
Email: Geographic Coverage: NATIONAL
Website: Mandate:
Year of Establishment: 2010