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... de la CEDEAO des Etats à la CEDEAO des peuples…

Centre for Community Livelihood Development (CCLD)

Nom du OSC: Centre for Community Livelihood Development (CCLD) Logo
Téléphone: Pays d'enregistrement: Ghana
Informations de contact: P. O. Box 6483, Kumasi, Ghana, Tel: +233(0)243169015, E-mail Address: ccldghana@ymail.com Secteur d'intervention:
| Early warning, Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Natural resources governance, Women, peace and security, Youth empowerment, Peace education, Corruption
Structure d'organisation: NETWORK
Approche d'intervention:
Email: Couverture géographique: REGIONAL
Site Internet: Mandat:
Année d'établissement: JULY 2006