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... da CEDEAO dos Estados para a CEDEAO do Povo

Plateforme des Organisations de la Societe Civile pour l'Observation des Elections en Cote d'Ivoire (POECI)

CSO Name: Plateforme des Organisations de la Societe Civile pour l'Observation des Elections en Cote d'Ivoire (POECI) Logo
telefone Number: País de Registro: Cote d'Ivoire
Contact Address: Cocody Angre les Oscars, Residence Aurore Apt A31, Tel : (00225) 22 50 24 33 Contact Person: Bamba Sindou - + 225 07 73 08 28 Áreas de Intervenção: Early warning
Corruption | Early warning, Preventive diplomacy, Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Media, Women, peace and security, Youth empowerment, Peace education, Corruption
Organization Structure: NETWORK
Abordagem de intervenção:
O email: Cobertura Geográfica: NATIONAL
Website: Mandate:
Ano de fundação: DEC. 2014