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... da CEDEAO dos Estados para a CEDEAO do Povo

ORFED "Organisation for reflection, training and education for democracy and development")

CSO Name: ORFED "Organisation for reflection, training and education for democracy and development") Logo
telefone Number: País de Registro: Mali
Contact Address: Bole Sema, 93 Logements, F15, BP E 2453, Bamako, Tel. +223 20 20 68 20, E-mail: as_orfed@ yahoo.fr Áreas de Intervenção:
| Early warning, Democracy and political governance, Media, Peace Education
Organization Structure: NGO
Abordagem de intervenção:
O email: Cobertura Geográfica: NATIONAL, LOCAL
Website: Mandate:
Ano de fundação: 2004