Nome | Número de funcionários | Tipo | Afiliações | |
Áreas de Intervenção | Cobertura Geográfica | Abordagem de intervenção | Ano de fundação | País de Registro |
S/N | Nome | Tipo | Cobertura Geográfica | Áreas de Intervenção | País de Registro | Afiliações | Sócias | |
1 | Association des femmes pour les Initiatives de PAIX (AFIP) | NETWORK | NATIONAL | Early warning, Disarmament, Women, Peace and Security | Mali | - REFSPECO - IANSA - Partenariat Strategique pour le maintien de la Paix en Afrique | Government, ECOWAS, GRIP, MINUSMA, EU | Visão |
2 | Marche Mondiale des Femmes / Coordination Nationale -Mali (CN-MMF/Mali) | NETWORK | INTERNATIONAL, REGIO | Early warning, Preventive diplomacy, Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Natural resources governance, Cross-border | Mali | Government, ECOWAS/FOSCAO, CAFO | Visão | |
3 | Reseau Paix et Securite des Femmes de l'Espace CEDEAO (REPSFECO/Mali) | NETWORK | NATIONAL | Security Governance, Women, Peace and Security, Peace Education, Counter-terrorism and radicalization | Mali | Government, ECOWAS, UM WOMEN, NDI, DCAF, FREEDOM HOUSE | Visão | |
4 | Coalition Nationale de la Societe Civile pour la Paix et la Lutte contre la Proliferation des Armes Legres (CONASCIPAL) | NETWORK | Early Warning, Peace education, Governance of Security | Mali | Oxfam GB, Amnesty International, SIDA, Stocholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) | Visão | ||
5 | ONG Carrefour Developpement (CAR.D) | NGO | NATIONAL | Early warning,Ppreventive diplomacy,Democracy and political governance, Medias,Natural resources governance, Security governace, Women, peace and secu | Mali | CCA ONG ( Conseil de Concertation d'Appui des ONG) - Groupe Pivot/ Sante Population - Groupe Pivot/ | Governement, ECOWAS, AU, UN, CARE,SNV,WB | Visão |
6 | ORFED "Organisation for reflection, training and education for democracy and development") | NGO | NATIONAL, LOCAL | Early warning, Democracy and political governance, Media, Peace Education | Mali | Christian Service for Peace, EIRENE, GENOVICO | Visão | |
7 | Women's National Movement for the Safeguard of Peace and National Unity (MNFPUN)- | NATIONAL, LOCAL | Mali | ECOWAS, Foundation for Sustainable Development (FSD) - United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) | Visão | |||
8 | Groupe de Recherche, d'Etude, de Formation, Femmes, Action (GREFFA) | NGO | Mali | Visão | ||||
9 | FEDERATION NATIONALE DES ASSOCIATIONS DE SANTE COMMUNAUTAIRE DU MALI (FENASCOM) | CBO | NATIONAL, STATE, LOC | Humanitarian Assistance | Mali | - FOSC (Forum des Organi-sations de la Societe civile du Mali) - Conseil National de la So-ciete Ci | Government | Visão |
10 | Forum des Organisations de la Societe Civile du Mali (FOSC) | NETWORK | NATIONAL, LOCAL | Preventive diplomacy, Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, security governance, peace education, money aundering, cor | Mali | - COPAGEM (Coalition des OSC pour la sauvegarde du patrimoine genetique Malien) - Collectif des Acte | Government,UN | Visão |