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... da CEDEAO dos Estados para a CEDEAO do Povo

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Nome Número de funcionários Tipo Afiliações
Áreas de Intervenção Cobertura Geográfica Abordagem de intervenção Ano de fundação País de Registro

S/NNomeTipoCobertura GeográficaÁreas de IntervençãoPaís de RegistroAfiliaçõesSócias
51 Mano River Women's Peace Network (MARWOPNET) NETWORK LOCAL, NATIONAL, REG Early warning, Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Cross-border initiative, Security governance, Humanitarian assist Guinea ECOWAS, USAID - German Cooperation (GIZ) - United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) - World Food Visão
52 Coalition Nationale de Guinee pour les Droits et la Citoyennete des Femmes (CONAG-DCF NETWORK NATIONAL Early warning, Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Cross-border initiative, natural resources governance Women, pea Guinea Governement, ECOWAS, AU, UN, EMBASSIES Visão
53 FOSCAO-GB (Forum des Organisations de la Societe Civile de l`Afrique de l`Ouest en Guinee Bissau) NETWORK REGIONAL, NATIONAL Early warning, Preventive diplomacy, Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Media, Natural resource governance, Cros Guinea Bissau Government, ECOWAS, UNDP Visão
54 Casa dos Direitos (House of Rights) NGO NATIONAL Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Media, creation of blogs and newsletters. Guinea Bissau Government, Portuguese Cooperation , Calouste gulbekian Foundation, University of Aveiro, UNDP, EU Visão
55 Liga Guineense dos Direitos Humanos (LGDH) NGO NATIONAL Guinea Bissau Portuguese Cooperation, Canada Fund for Local Initiatives, SwissAid, UNICEF, UNIOGBIS, UNDP, EU Visão
56 RENLUV NETWORK NATIONAL Human rights and the rule of law, Early warning, Women, peace and security, Youth Empowerment, Peace Education Guinea Bissau Governement, UN agencies, EU, PLAN INTERNATIONAL, SWISSAID, US EMBASSY Visão
57 Senegalese-Guinean Alliance for Peace and Integration (ASGPI) CBO NATIONAL, REGIONAL, Media, Peace Education, Youth Empowerment , Cross-border initiative Guinea Bissau CARITAS Ziguinchor, German cooperation BMZ, Visão
58 Voz di Paz - Iniciativa para a Consolidacao de Paz (Voice of Peace - Initiative for Pecebuilding NATIONAL Early warning, Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Media, Natural resource governance, Women, Peace and Security,Pe Guinea Bissau Belgian Government, the Finnish Government, World Bank Interpeace, Instituto Nacional de Defesa, In Visão
59 Asociacao de Jovens para a promocao da paz e cooperacao transfronteirica AJPCT, (Youth association for the promotion of peace and cross border cooperation) CBO REGIONAL, NATIONAL, Early warning, Democracy and political governance, Media, Natural resources governance, Peace Education, Youth Empowerment Guinea Bissau DIVUTEC, Voz di Paz, UNICEF, ONG AIDA, Tostan, ACPP, Embassy of India, TESE, SNV Visão
60 Djemberem Di Cumpo Combersa (DDCC: Civil Mediation Service for Peace), NGO Early warning, Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Peace Education, Practical Disarmament Guinea Bissau Visão
61 Observatorio dos Direitos Humanos para a Para a Democracia e Desenvolvimento NGO NATIONAL Early warning, Media, Natural resource governance, Women, Peace and Security, Peace education Guinea Bissau Visão
62 DEVELOPMENT EDUCATION NETWORK, -LIBERIA (DEN-L) NGO NATIONAL, LOCAL Early Warning, Democracy and Political Governance, Human Rights and The Rule of Law, Women, Peace and Security, Youth Empowerment, Peace Education, Co Liberia Minister of Gender, Children and Social Protection, Minister of Education - Public Outreach of Unit Visão
63 RIGHTS AND RICE FOUNDATION NGO NATIONAL Early Warning, Democracy and Political Governance,Human Rights and Natural Resource Governance, Natural Resource Governance Liberia FDA, EPA, NIC, NBC, Ministry of Land and Mines, Ministry of Agriculture, LEITI, UNWOMEN, UNDP, EU, G Visão
64 Bassa Women Development Association ( BAWODA) NGO LOCAL Human Rights and The Rule of Law, Natural Resource Governance, Women, Peace and Security, Peace Education Liberia Government, NEC, UN, NARDA, WONGOSOL, SEARCH FOR COMMON GROUNDS, SIDA, Action Aid Visão
65 Camp for Peace Liberia (CFP-Liberia) NGO NATIONAL Democracy and Political Governance, Human Rights and the Rule of Law, Peace Education, Youth Empowerment Liberia NU-Weld, Center for Sacred Studies, Canadian Steel Workers Humanity Fund Visão
66 Center for Media Studies and Peace Building (CEMESP) NGO NATIONAL Democracy and Political Governance, Human Rights and the Rule of Law, Media, Peace Education, Security governance Liberia IFEX, UNESCO, NED, WADR, OSIWA, PANOS INSTITUTE, World Association of Community Radios Visão
67 Ecumenical Women Association of Liberia (EWAL) NGO NATIONAL Early Warning, Democracy and Political Governance, Human Rights and the Rule of Law, Women, Peace and Security,Women, Peace and Security, Peace Educat Liberia Visão
68 Inter-Religious Council of Liberia (IRCL-RfP) NGO NATIONAL, REGIONAL Early Warning, Democracy and Political Governance, Human Rights and the Rule of Law, Youth Empowerment, Peace education, Humanitarian assistance Liberia AU, ECOWAS - Interchurch Organisation for Development Cooperation (ICCO)/Kerk in Actie (Netherlands) Visão
69 Peacebuilding Hub Liberia (PHub Liberia) NGO NATIONAL Youth Empowerment, Women, Peace and Security, Peace education Liberia Visão
70 Foundation For Peace and Development (FPD) Early Warning, Democracy and Political Governance, Human Rights and the Rule of Law, Youth , Peace educationEmpowerment, Humanitarian assistance Liberia Visão
71 Liberia National Law Enforcement Association (LINLEA) NGO NATIONAL Human Rights and the rule of law, Security Governance, Women, peace and security Liberia Government, AU, UN Visão
72 Association des femmes pour les Initiatives de PAIX (AFIP) NETWORK NATIONAL Early warning, Disarmament, Women, Peace and Security Mali - REFSPECO - IANSA - Partenariat Strategique pour le maintien de la Paix en Afrique Government, ECOWAS, GRIP, MINUSMA, EU Visão
73 Marche Mondiale des Femmes / Coordination Nationale -Mali (CN-MMF/Mali) NETWORK INTERNATIONAL, REGIO Early warning, Preventive diplomacy, Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Natural resources governance, Cross-border Mali Government, ECOWAS/FOSCAO, CAFO Visão
74 Reseau Paix et Securite des Femmes de l'Espace CEDEAO (REPSFECO/Mali) NETWORK NATIONAL Security Governance, Women, Peace and Security, Peace Education, Counter-terrorism and radicalization Mali Government, ECOWAS, UM WOMEN, NDI, DCAF, FREEDOM HOUSE Visão
75 Coalition Nationale de la Societe Civile pour la Paix et la Lutte contre la Proliferation des Armes Legres (CONASCIPAL) NETWORK Early Warning, Peace education, Governance of Security Mali Oxfam GB, Amnesty International, SIDA, Stocholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) Visão
76 ONG Carrefour Developpement (CAR.D) NGO NATIONAL Early warning,Ppreventive diplomacy,Democracy and political governance, Medias,Natural resources governance, Security governace, Women, peace and secu Mali CCA ONG ( Conseil de Concertation d'Appui des ONG) - Groupe Pivot/ Sante Population - Groupe Pivot/ Governement, ECOWAS, AU, UN, CARE,SNV,WB Visão
77 ORFED "Organisation for reflection, training and education for democracy and development") NGO NATIONAL, LOCAL Early warning, Democracy and political governance, Media, Peace Education Mali Christian Service for Peace, EIRENE, GENOVICO Visão
78 Women's National Movement for the Safeguard of Peace and National Unity (MNFPUN)- NATIONAL, LOCAL Mali ECOWAS, Foundation for Sustainable Development (FSD) - United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Visão
79 Groupe de Recherche, d'Etude, de Formation, Femmes, Action (GREFFA) NGO Mali Visão
80 FEDERATION NATIONALE DES ASSOCIATIONS DE SANTE COMMUNAUTAIRE DU MALI (FENASCOM) CBO NATIONAL, STATE, LOC Humanitarian Assistance Mali - FOSC (Forum des Organi-sations de la Societe civile du Mali) - Conseil National de la So-ciete Ci Government Visão
81 Forum des Organisations de la Societe Civile du Mali (FOSC) NETWORK NATIONAL, LOCAL Preventive diplomacy, Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, security governance, peace education, money aundering, cor Mali - COPAGEM (Coalition des OSC pour la sauvegarde du patrimoine genetique Malien) - Collectif des Acte Government,UN Visão
82 Reseau des ONG de Developpement et Associations de Defense des Droits de l'Homme et de la Democratie (RODADDHD) NETWORK NATIONAL, REGIONAL Early warning, Preventive diplomacy, Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Natural resource governance, Cross-borde Niger : - FOSCAO - REPAOC Government, ECOWAS, AU, UN, EU Visão
83 ONG SOS-Civisme / Niger NGO Regional, National , Early warning, Preventive diplomacy, Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Youth Empowerment, Peace Education, Coun Niger Government, ECOWAS Visão
84 Mouvement des Jeunes pour le Developpement e l'Education Citoyenne (MOJEDEC) NGO NATIONAL Early warning, Preventive diplomacy, Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Security governance , , Women, peace and Niger Government , Other national NGOs Visão
85 Association EPP (Education pour la Paix et le Progrs) NGO NATIONAL Youth Empowerment, Peace Education Niger - CONIDE (Coalition des Organisations Nigeriennes des Droits de l'enfant) - CLPE (Comite Local de P Government Visão
86 Collectif des Organisations de Defense des Droits de L'Homme et de la Democratie (CODDHD NETWORK NATIONAL Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Women, peace and security, Youth Empowerment, Peace Education, Niger Visão
87 Reseau des Femmes pour la Paix (REFEPA) NETWORK NATIONAL, LOCAL Human rights and the rule of law, Women, peace and security, Youth Empowerment, Peace Education, Niger Visão
88 Reseau Panafricain Pour la Paix, la Democratie et le Developpement (REPPADD) NETWORK NATIONAL Human rights and the rule of law, Natural resources management, Peace education Niger OSIWA, WACSI, KAIPTC, OXFAM, WANEP Visão
89 ONG JMED NIGER (Jeunesse-Enfance-Migration-Developpement) NGO NATIONAL Human rights and the rule of law, Medias Youth Empowerment Peace Education, Humanitarian Assistance , Human and drug trafficking Niger - FOSCAO NIGER - CONIDE (Coordination des organisations nigeriennes des droits de l'enfant Government, ECOWAS, EU, OIF Cooperation Suisse; CEDEAO) Visão
90 L'Association Nigerienne de Defense des Droits de L'Homme (ANDDH) NGO NATIONAL Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Medias Peace Education, Niger Visão
91 Femmes, Actions et Developpement (FAD) NGO NATIONAL Human rights and the rule of law, Medias Youth Empowerment Peace Education, Niger Visão
92 Women's Rights and Health Project NGO NATIONAL Democracy and Political Governance , Human Rights and The Rule of Law , Women, Peace and Security , Youth Empowerment, Peace Education, Human and Drug Nigeria Justice for All, DFID, Positive Action for Children Fund, ViiV Healthcare U.K, OSIWA, AmplifyChange, Visão
93 African Foundation for Environment and Development - AFED NGO INTERNATIONAL, LOCAL Early Warning, Democracy and Political Governance, Women, Peace and Security, Youth Empowerment, Humanitarian Assistance , Peace Education, Corruption Nigeria Ado-odo/Otta Local Government, ECOWAS EERT, UNDP/JDPC Ijebu Ode Visão
94 West African Civil Society Forum (WACSOF) NGO REGIONAL Early Warning, Democracy and Political Governance, Human Rights and The Rule of Law, Cross-Border Initiative Women, Peace and Security , Youth Empower Nigeria Governments, ECOWAS, UN, Ford Foundation, Commonwealth, IBIS, UNHCR, Plan International, Action Aid, Visão
95 Centre for Law Enforcement Education (CLEEN), CLEEN FOUNDATION NGO REGIONAL, INTERNATIO ? Early Warning ? Human Rights and The Rule of Law ? Media ? Natural Resource Governance ? Cross-Border Initiative ? Security Governance ? Women, Peac Nigeria Governments, ECOWAS Visão
96 African Youths International Development Foundation (AFYIDEF) NATIONAL, INTERNATIO Early Warning, Democracy and Political Governance, Natural resources, Peace Education Nigeria Visão
97 The Bayelsa Non-Governmental Organizations Forum (BANGOF) NETWORK NATIONAL, LOCAL Democracy and Political Governance, Human Rights and The Rule of Law, Media Nigeria Revenue Watch Institute, UNODC, Netherland Government Visão
98 Centre for Peace Across Borders (CePAB) NGO NATIONAL, LOCAL Democracy and Political Governance, Human Rights and the Rule of Law, Peace Education, Corruption Nigeria Local government, OSIWA Visão
99 Conflict Prevention and Peace Building Initiative (CPPBI) NGO NATIONAL Early Warning, Democracy and Political Governance, Media, Women, Peace and Security, Youth Empowerment, Humanitarian Assistance, Peace Education, Sec Nigeria Visão
100 Development Education and Advocacy Resources for Africa (DEAR Africa) Initiative NGO NATIONAL Democracy and Political Governance, Media, Human Rights and the Rule of Law, Natural resource governance, Youth Empowerment Nigeria Visão
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