Nom du OSC | Nombre d'employés | Type | Affiliations | |
Secteur d'intervention | Couverture géographique | Approche d'intervention | Année d'établissement | Pays d'enregistrement |
S/N | Nom du OSC | Type | Couverture géographique | Secteur d'intervention | Pays d'enregistrement | Affiliations | Les partenaires | |
1 | Collectif des Federations et Reseaux d'ONG du Benin | Benin | Vue | |||||
2 | Front des Organizations Nationales anti-corruption | Benin | Vue | |||||
3 | Association des Volontaires pour le Secours et l'Assistance (AVOSAH-ONG | Benin | Vue | |||||
4 | Association pour la Solidarite et la Paix Mondiale | Benin | Vue | |||||
5 | Reseau pour l'Integration des ONG et Associations africaines | Benin | Vue | |||||
6 | Association des Femmes Avocates | Benin | Vue | |||||
7 | PASCIB | Benin | Vue | |||||
8 | Coordination des ONG, Associations des Femmes du Burkina (COA/FEB) | HR, Natural resources, Peace education, women, peace and security | Burkina Faso | Vue | ||||
9 | RESOCIDE | Burkina Faso | Vue | |||||
10 | Association burkinabe pour la Promotion de la Parente a Plaisanterie (AB3P) | NGO | NATIONAL | Burkina Faso | Vue | |||
11 | Reseau d'information et de communication sur l'Action Parlementaire | Burkina Faso | Vue | |||||
12 | Ligue pour la Defense de la Justice et de la Liberte | Burkina Faso | Vue | |||||
13 | Centre d'information et de formation sur les Droits de l'Homme en Afrique (CIFDHA) | Burkina Faso | Vue | |||||
14 | Association des Jeunes pour la Non-Violence (AJNV) | Burkina Faso | Vue | |||||
15 | Association Graine de Paix | Burkina Faso | Vue | |||||
16 | Cadre Africain de Cooperation Civilo-Militaire (CCCM) | NGO | Human rights and the rule of law, Media, Peace Education, Security Governance, Humanitarian Assistance | Burkina Faso | Vue | |||
17 | Association Le TOCSIN | NGO | NATIONAL, LOCAL | Early warning, Human rights and the rule of law, Media, Cross-border initiatives, Humanitarian, Assistance, Peace Education Youth | Burkina Faso | Vue | ||
18 | Initiative de Dialogue et Recherche Action pour la Paix (INDIGO) | NGO | NATIONAL | Cote d'Ivoire | INTERPEACE, UNDP, UNICEF, EU, FRENCH EMBASSY | Vue | ||
19 | Reseau des Journalistes pour la Paix et la Securite (Network of Journalists for Peace and Security, RJPS) | NATIONAL | Early warning, Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Security governance, Media, Peace Education | Cote d'Ivoire | Vue | |||
20 | Women and Child Care | NGO | Gambia | Vue | ||||
21 | African Network for information and Action Against Drug | NGO | Gambia | Vue | ||||
22 | Campaign for the Development of Women and Solidarity | NGO | Gambia | Vue | ||||
23 | Institute for Social Reformation and Action | NGO | Gambia | Vue | ||||
24 | Institute for Democratic Governance | Ghana | Vue | |||||
25 | Community Outreach Alliance | Ghana | Vue | |||||
26 | Women Media and Change | Ghana | Vue | |||||
27 | Ghana Centre For Democratic Development | Ghana | Vue | |||||
28 | Casa dos Direitos (House of Rights) | NGO | NATIONAL | Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Media, creation of blogs and newsletters. | Guinea Bissau | Government, Portuguese Cooperation , Calouste gulbekian Foundation, University of Aveiro, UNDP, EU | Vue | |
29 | Liga Guineense dos Direitos Humanos (LGDH) | NGO | NATIONAL | Guinea Bissau | Portuguese Cooperation, Canada Fund for Local Initiatives, SwissAid, UNICEF, UNIOGBIS, UNDP, EU | Vue | ||
30 | RENLUV | NETWORK | NATIONAL | Human rights and the rule of law, Early warning, Women, peace and security, Youth Empowerment, Peace Education | Guinea Bissau | Governement, UN agencies, EU, PLAN INTERNATIONAL, SWISSAID, US EMBASSY | Vue | |
31 | Senegalese-Guinean Alliance for Peace and Integration (ASGPI) | CBO | NATIONAL, REGIONAL, | Media, Peace Education, Youth Empowerment , Cross-border initiative | Guinea Bissau | CARITAS Ziguinchor, German cooperation BMZ, | Vue | |
32 | Voz di Paz - Iniciativa para a Consolidacao de Paz (Voice of Peace - Initiative for Pecebuilding | NATIONAL | Early warning, Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Media, Natural resource governance, Women, Peace and Security,Pe | Guinea Bissau | Belgian Government, the Finnish Government, World Bank Interpeace, Instituto Nacional de Defesa, In | Vue | ||
33 | Asociacao de Jovens para a promocao da paz e cooperacao transfronteirica AJPCT, (Youth association for the promotion of peace and cross border cooperation) | CBO | REGIONAL, NATIONAL, | Early warning, Democracy and political governance, Media, Natural resources governance, Peace Education, Youth Empowerment | Guinea Bissau | DIVUTEC, Voz di Paz, UNICEF, ONG AIDA, Tostan, ACPP, Embassy of India, TESE, SNV | Vue | |
34 | Djemberem Di Cumpo Combersa (DDCC: Civil Mediation Service for Peace), | NGO | Early warning, Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Peace Education, Practical Disarmament | Guinea Bissau | Vue | |||
35 | Camp for Peace Liberia (CFP-Liberia) | NGO | NATIONAL | Democracy and Political Governance, Human Rights and the Rule of Law, Peace Education, Youth Empowerment | Liberia | NU-Weld, Center for Sacred Studies, Canadian Steel Workers Humanity Fund | Vue | |
36 | Ecumenical Women Association of Liberia (EWAL) | NGO | NATIONAL | Early Warning, Democracy and Political Governance, Human Rights and the Rule of Law, Women, Peace and Security,Women, Peace and Security, Peace Educat | Liberia | Vue | ||
37 | Peacebuilding Hub Liberia (PHub Liberia) | NGO | NATIONAL | Youth Empowerment, Women, Peace and Security, Peace education | Liberia | Vue | ||
38 | Foundation For Peace and Development (FPD) | Early Warning, Democracy and Political Governance, Human Rights and the Rule of Law, Youth , Peace educationEmpowerment, Humanitarian assistance | Liberia | Vue | ||||
39 | Coalition Nationale de la Societe Civile pour la Paix et la Lutte contre la Proliferation des Armes Legères (CONASCIPAL) | NETWORK | Early Warning, Peace education, Governance of Security | Mali | Oxfam GB, Amnesty International, SIDA, Stocholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) | Vue | ||
40 | ORFED "Organisation for reflection, training and education for democracy and development") | NGO | NATIONAL, LOCAL | Early warning, Democracy and political governance, Media, Peace Education | Mali | Christian Service for Peace, EIRENE, GENOVICO | Vue | |
41 | Groupe de Recherche, d'Etude, de Formation, Femmes, Action (GREFFA) | NGO | Mali | Vue | ||||
42 | Collectif des Organisations de Defense des Droits de L'Homme et de la Democratie (CODDHD | NETWORK | NATIONAL | Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Women, peace and security, Youth Empowerment, Peace Education, | Niger | Vue | ||
43 | Reseau des Femmes pour la Paix (REFEPA) | NETWORK | NATIONAL, LOCAL | Human rights and the rule of law, Women, peace and security, Youth Empowerment, Peace Education, | Niger | Vue | ||
44 | Reseau Panafricain Pour la Paix, la Democratie et le Developpement (REPPADD) | NETWORK | NATIONAL | Human rights and the rule of law, Natural resources management, Peace education | Niger | OSIWA, WACSI, KAIPTC, OXFAM, WANEP | Vue | |
45 | L'Association Nigerienne de Defense des Droits de L'Homme (ANDDH) | NGO | NATIONAL | Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Medias Peace Education, | Niger | Vue | ||
46 | Femmes, Actions et Developpement (FAD) | NGO | NATIONAL | Human rights and the rule of law, Medias Youth Empowerment Peace Education, | Niger | Vue | ||
47 | The Bayelsa Non-Governmental Organizations Forum (BANGOF) | NETWORK | NATIONAL, LOCAL | Democracy and Political Governance, Human Rights and The Rule of Law, Media | Nigeria | Revenue Watch Institute, UNODC, Netherland Government | Vue | |
48 | Centre for Peace Across Borders (CePAB) | NGO | NATIONAL, LOCAL | Democracy and Political Governance, Human Rights and the Rule of Law, Peace Education, Corruption | Nigeria | Local government, OSIWA | Vue | |
49 | Conflict Prevention and Peace Building Initiative (CPPBI) | NGO | NATIONAL | Early Warning, Democracy and Political Governance, Media, Women, Peace and Security, Youth Empowerment, Humanitarian Assistance, Peace Education, Sec | Nigeria | Vue | ||
50 | Development Education and Advocacy Resources for Africa (DEAR Africa) Initiative | NGO | NATIONAL | Democracy and Political Governance, Media, Human Rights and the Rule of Law, Natural resource governance, Youth Empowerment | Nigeria | Vue |
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